All attacks yesterday point to ISIS

Recent terror attacks in Kuwait, France and Tunisia have all hinted the needle of suspicion possible pointing to the ISIS.

While the first attack in the Middle East targeted a Shia mosque in Kuwait, which is a conservative Gulf state with a Sunni Muslim majority, the one in Tunisia was aimed towards western tourists, and the third was on a US-owned gas cylinder plant in south-east France.

The attacks emphasise the nature of a constantly evolving threat.

The attackers, amongst who while some have had links to overseas groups, others have been closer to the classic idea of “lone wolves,” have been steeped in a broader environment of violent activism, extreme conservatism, homophobia and anti-semitism for many years before they acted, the Guardians observed.

Co-incidentally, the strikes came almost exactly on the first anniversary of Islamic State’s declaration of its caliphate, and it may be possible that they were coordinated.

Some publications say that the strikes may not be linked but have common goal of striking on or near about the anniversary date.

If the theory of co-ordinated strikes was true then it would point towards a new level of strategic thinking and capability for Isis, similar to the early days of the Al Qaeda.

Nevertheless, the sense of ever-present menace inevitably induced by Friday’s killings will be difficult to dismiss. (ANI)