New Delhi: Actor Alia Bhatt ‘kept it classy and elegant’ as she featured on the cover of Femina India magazine’s May issue.
Femina India shared the cover on their official Instagram handle, captioning the post as, “All hail the slay queens! Aliaa Bhatt stuns on the latest cover of Femina’s India’s Most Beautiful issue.”
The ‘Kalank’ star is seen wearing a grey sleeveless dress. She has teamed up the dress with a pair of metallic earrings and has tied her hairs at the back. To complete the look, Alia kept her make-up minimal and went for a dark-maroon lip colour.
Alia is featured in the ‘Slay Queens’ edition of the magazine which brings out the list of India’s most gorgeous women.
On the work front, the actor was last seen in Karan Johar’s ‘Kalank’ that also starred Varun Dhawan, Aditya Roy Kapur, Sonakshi Sinha, Madhuri Dixit Nene, and Sanjay Dutt. Alia will next share screen space with Ranbir Kapoor in Ayan Mukherji’s dream project ‘Brahmastra. The film is scheduled to release in summer 2020.