Al Dhafra Festival ready to kick off

Abu Dhabi, January 28: Over 1200 camel owners will gather in Abu Dhabi next Saturday to participate in the biggest camel beauty contest. Official said.

The contest known locally as “Camel Mazayen” is one of the core activities of Al Dhafra Festival organized annually by Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH) at Zayed City in Al Gharbia (the Western Region).

The third session of the festival, held under the patronage of HH General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, will kick of on Saturday and lasts until February 8 with multi activities that reflect UAE’s heritage.

“In this year’s session, over 1200 camel owners will be participating in the Mazayna with forty-two races to take place and 28,000 camels to take part in them” said Mohammed Khalaf Al Mazrouei, Director General of ADACH and Chairman of the High Organizing Committee of the Festival

The “biggest camel gathering in one place along history” as described by international media, will introduce for the first time Al Bayraq laps with 1 million dirhams prize for both Asayal and Majahim categories (light skin camels and dark skin camels) “The participants should take part with fifty camels in each lap. The grand total of the Festival prizes is 42 million dirhams” Al Mazrouei said.

The total number of participants in Al Bayraq lap is 69 camel owners that competing with 3450 camels.

Also it is expected that Jamal laps will witness a hot competition where each camel owner is allowed to participate with 35 camels; so far 8785 camels were registered in this laps by big camel owners.

The contest also includes deferent types of laps such as Jamal Talad laps where each contester is allowed to participate with 25 camels in each lap, in addition to individual camel laps according to age.

Camels are judged by a specialized panel chosen from the Arabian Gulf region and they fallow a strict conditions form that covers the whole body of the animal.

The body of the camel is divided into four main parts; each part is given certain points totaled 100 points.

The head and neck part is given 25 points, which includes: Whiskas, nose shape, head size, ear firmness, neck’s length and posture.

Upper part is given 20 points and includes: back length, back heights, hump shape and position and whole back length.

15 points is given for the front part which includes: neck width, shoulder and foot.

10 points for back part which includes leg size and leg straightness.

And 30 points for general shape and fitness which includes: beauty display, toe parting length, camel size and physical health and hair shininess.

Along Al Dhafra Festival, ADACH is holding the Traditional Market of handicraft from the UAE and the region. It is part of ADACH endeavor to promote various aspects of the local heritage, and to encourage young female talents to learn the craft from their mothers and grandmothers, as well as inciting old women to give the “tricks-of-their-trade” to the young. Women between the ages of 16 and 66 are allowed to participate in the market.

The Traditional Market is held on an area of 12,000 sqm with 180 shops made and furnished with mud, wood and palm leaves and branches. The shops offer traditional handicraft and food along other traditional activities. A Kids’ Village is held alongside the market with many interesting activities to take part like traditional shows, art and heritage competitions. The Festival is moving fast to become a carnival for the families, tourists and visitors.

The Festival will witness many other competitions that managed to attract the interest of hundreds of participants like the Dates’ Packaging Contest, Best Poetry in Describing Camels, AL Dhafra Portrayal Competition, and Dhafra in the Eyes of Photographers Competition.
