Mumbai: Actor Akshay Kumar has revealed the first look from his upcoming courtroom comedy drama “Jolly LLB 2”. The 48-year-old “Airlift” star took to Twitter to share a picture of himself in a black coat.
“New day with a new look for a new film, let the mayhem begin! #JollyLLB2 it is!,” the actor tweeted. The actor with a small tilak on his forehead, looks intense in the picture.
The film will be directed by Subhash Kapoor, who had also helmed by first part of the film. Akshay also announced the release date of the film on a same tweet and wrote, “Judgement day 10th February, 2017.”
He will next be seen in Tinu Suresh Desai’s “Rustom”, which is slated to release on August 12.