Mumbai: The internet was filled with reports which suggested that superstars Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan will be playing main role in the fourth installment of the Dhoom series. It all started when a netizen shared a poster of Dhoom 4 along with Salman’s name on social media. And another posted Akshay’s pictures in full action and informed that the actor has met YRF’s head Aditya Chopra and Dhoom 4 is almost confirmed.
Considering that big names like Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan and John Abraham have been part of the previous Dhoom editions, movie buffs did not find it difficult to believe that Akshay could be the next Dhoom hero.
Meanwhile, other reports doing the rounds claimed that Deepika Padukone is being tapped to play the villain in Dhoom 4.
Akshay Kumar reacts to the reports
In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Akshay Kumar has finally addressed rumours about him possibly starring alongside Salman Khan in the highly anticipated film ‘Dhoom 4’. When asked about the viral rumours, the actor said, “As for the Dhoom 4 speculation, I have two words for you, FAKE NEWS.”
More about Dhoom franchise
An action thriller franchise, Dhoom has always managed to engage its audience with its unique heist ideas and thrilling sports bike chases. The franchise just gets bigger and better with each sequel. It has become the second-largest Bollywood film franchise in terms of box-office revenue. The third instalment of the Dhoom series and the sequel to Dhoom (2004) and Dhoom 2 (2006).
Written and directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, the third installment featured Aamir Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Uday Chopra in the lead roles.