New Delhi: Sparking a controversy Rajya Sabha MP, Amar Singh said that Samajwadi Party President Akhilesh Yadav is not Samajwadi but he is Namazwadi. Amar Singh also likened SP leader Azam Khan as a demon. He told this in a video shared on his Facebook page.
Speaking quite aggressively he made serious allegations on Akhilesh Yadav saying, “Samajwadi Party’s National President, Akhilesh Yadav has said that they will build Vishnu’s temple. Akhilesh Yadav you have no right to build a temple of Vishnu? You are not the member of the Samajwadi Party. You are not the president of the Samajwadi Party, you are the president of the Namajwadi Party.
He dubbed Mohammad Azam Khan as the political son of Akhilesh and his father and alleged that he has said that people like Amar Singh should be cut. The acid should be thrown on their daughters.
Amar Singh told Akhilesh ‘daughters also belong to you and your family too. You also have daughters in law and wives in your family too.’ In the FB video, Singh lashed out at Yadav and Khan and claimed that he wiped the tears of women of Yadav’s family on the request of Mulayam’s wife Sadhna but they never reciprocated when he was in jail.
Amar Singh dubbed Azam Khan as the ancestor of Mahmood Ghaznavi, Alauddin Khilji, Taimur Lang. “He is a rakshas who is being reared by Akhilesh and his father Mulayam Singh Yadav,” he said.
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