Hyderabad: Strange scenes were witnessed in Telangana Assembly on 27th March when the friendly party of TRS felt embarrassed. MIM has been supporting TRS for it’s every step for the past 4 years. Although the budget was passed, the demands of MIM were rejected.
It may be mentioned that CM did not refer the development package of Rs. 5000 crore, 12% reservation for Muslims, the worst situation of Wakf Board and Alair encounter due to which MIM was forced to say “We are feeling embarrassment to defend our friend”. During the discussions in Assembly, CM had assured that he would give the details of the steps taken for the benefit of Minorities but on 27th March, CM completely forgot Minority issues.
It seems that due to resentment of the people against the Govt., MIM has changed its stand so that it does not incur the wrath of the people.
CM set aside all the appeals made for the enhancement of Minorities budget. Last year, Rs. 846 crore were released whereas this year only Rs. 816 were released. Due to the cold attitude of the Govt., the Floor Leader of MIM, Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi was forced to say “We are your friends and we defend you at every step but when we see the statistics, we feel embarrassment”. He asked, “How to defend you”. He further said, “You are not only our friend but also the friend of the Muslims. This is not only embarrassment for us but it is also for you”.
The expression of embarrassment did not affect the CM. He did not make any announcement for the Old City and Minorities. CM had made 17 promises in the last session but they remained unfulfilled.
After the session, TDP members came out saying “friend did not remain friend”.
–Siasat News