Hyderabad: The applicant in Chandrayangutta MLA attack case received a jolt on Thursday when a panch witness retracted from his earlier statement and refused to identify his signature. Panch witness Fahad bin Mohammed told in the court that the signature shown on the panchnama is not his, while on Wednesday in his statement he had affirmed that the signature on seizure panchnama and its enclosures was his.
Defence lawyer Advocate Rajvardhan Reddy showed 8 photos during the argument, in which the panch witness was accompanied by Asaduddin Owaisi during several programmes. The witness affirmed that he was present in the said pictures.
On Wednesday in a statement given during the meeting of VII Additional Metropolitan Session Judge, he had identified three accused in the case; Saif bin Husain Yafai, Afeef bin Husain Yafai and Mohammed bin Saleh Wahlan and weapons and mobile phones used during the attack. He had also affirmed that he had signed on the seizure panchnama and its enclosures but he retracted from his statement on Thursday. He expressed ignorance regarding the seizure of weapons by the police from Omer Function Hall and Dairy Farm. Similarly he denied being MIM activist while admitting his presence in the photographs along with Asaduddin Owaisi.
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