New Delhi: India National Security Advisor Ajit Doval on Monday has flatly refused that he gave an interview to a national daily, where he stated that the upcoming Indo-Pak Foreign Secretary level talks have been cancelled over the Pathankot attack.
“I speak to journalists every day. But I do not remember giving any such interview. I strongly deny that I made such a statement,” Doval said in a telephonic conversation to ANI.
However, the online version of the daily carried out an interview on Monday with Doval, where he has been quoted as saying that the NSA-level talks have been cancelled and the situation will remain same until Islamabad comes through in the Pathankot probe.
“India has cancelled the 15 January Indo-Pak Foreign Secretary level talks. No peace talks now till Pakistan takes action against Pathankot terrorists and India is satisfied with Pakistan’s efforts. There will be no talks before action,” Doval said.
Earlier, Doval had shared some initial evidence of Pakistan’s complicity in the Pathankot Air Base attack with Islamabad.
Pakistan Foreign Ministry confirmed that India had shared evidence with them and Islamabad is working on the leads provided by the Indian government.
Meanwhile, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has assured that Islamabad is swiftly carrying out investigations in a transparent manner and will bring out the truth. (ANI)