Mumbai: Bigg Boss fame, actor Ajaz Khan wrote a perfect tweet after a photo of Ganesh and Muharram processions went viral on social media.
He tweeted, “Mazhab nahi sikhaata, aapas me bair rakhna. Hindi hai hum watan hai, hindustaan hamara.:heart: Devotees witnessing Ganesha and Muharram meeting each other at their julus”.
It may be mentioned that in the photo which was shared by a Twitterati by name, “Joy Bhattacharjya”, people of Ganesh and Muharram processions were seen shaking hands.
According to the report published in India Times, people leaned over divider to shake hands with each other.
Expressing views on the pictures, another Twitterati had written, “Ganesh Chaturthi & Muharram possessions crossing each other. I think this is the idea of India”.
In another incident which also proved that communal harmony exists in the society, people celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi and observed Muharram under same pandal. This example was set by the people of a village in Hubli District.