Mumbai: Ajaz Khan demanded justice for actor Sushant Singh. On his twitter handle, he wrote, “for the last 37 days the same face has been coming to my mind, in front of my eyes again and again!!!!”.
He posted his file photograph along with the actor and extended his support to #NationstandWithKangana
Kangana Ranaut
Ever since Rajput committed suicide, actress Kangana Ranaut has been raising voice for justice to the young actor.
Some people are demanding CBI probe in the death of the actor.
Recently, actress Rhea Chakraborty requested Union Home Minister, Amit Shah for the CBI probe in the actor’s death.
Ajaz Khan reacts after Swamy targets SRK, Aamir, Salman
Earlier, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy targeted Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan over Rajput’s suicide.
On 10th July, Swamy questioned, “Are the three musketeers of Bollywood Salman Khan, Sharukh Khan and Aamir Khan silent on so called suicide of Sushant Rajput ?”.
Reacting over it, Ajaz Khan tweeted, “Ab ye batao ke VIKAS DUBY ki life BIOGRAPHY movie kaun banane wala hai???”
Sushant Singh’s death
Rajput committed suicide at his apartment in suburban Bandra on June 14.
His postmortem report confirmed that the cause of death as asphyxia due to hanging.