Mumbai: The Ajay Devgn-starrer “Raid”, which released in 2018, is set to get a sequel. The follow-up film is already in the scripting stage, and the makers are considering the creation of “huge multi-film franchise based on the lines of ‘Raid'”.
The 2018 film, directed by Raj Kumar Gupta, was based on a remarkable real-life income-tax raid conducted at the residence of a powerful local politician, by the Income Tax Department under the leadership of the upright IRS officer Amay Patnaik. The raid is widely believed to be the longest ever in history, and it went on for over 18 hours.
“The success of ‘Raid’ in 2018 proved to us that the audience is hungry for such smart content. We, Ajay Devgn and I along with Kumar Mangatji (producer)are in talks to create a huge multi-film franchise based on the lines of ‘Raid’. The second part of the film is already in the scripting stage,” said T-Series head honcho, producer Bhushan Kumar.
“We always want to give the audience films that are content-oriented. We have a responsibility to stay true to the expectations of the audience from this collaboration, especially after the success of our last venture, ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’. We assure the audience that we will work tirelessly to make sure that we take the sequel to ‘Raid’ forward in the right direction,” he added.
The sequel is expected to go on floors, not before next year.