Mumbai: Actor Ajay Devgn, whose “Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior” hit the screens on Friday, also took to Twitter on the same day to comment on the violence at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi that happened earlier this month.
“I have always maintained that we should wait for proper facts to emerge. I appeal to everyone – let us further the spirit of peace and brotherhood, not derail it either consciously or carelessly #JNUViolence,” Ajay tweeted.
Ajay’s tweet received mixed responses from netizens.
One wrote: “Tanhaji shows khali chl rhi h kya dost?”
Another wrote: “Singham kam bolta hai aur jab bolta hai to Singham ki personality jalakti hai. Hats off to you sir.”
Another tweeted: “Wow…now i will go to see ur movie on sunday…thank u.”
One more wrote: “Well said boss. TANHAJI hogi all time blockbuster.”
On January 5, several masked individuals entered JNU campus and thrashed students and teachers with wooden and metal rods.
At least 20 students were admitted to All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) with severe injuries, including the Students Union President Aishe Ghosh, who was reportedly hit over the eye with an iron rod.