New Delhi: The air pollution level on Wednesday in Delhi-NCR stood at ‘poor’ category. The overall Air Quality Index (AQI) was at 273, said the Centre-run System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research (SAFAR). The PM10 was recorded 228, which fell in the moderate category. However, PM2.5 remained ‘poor’ at 112.
The situation may deteriorate further as the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast thunderstorm with lightning on Wednesday.
“Consecutive western disturbances are likely to affect the northwest Indian region, and an increase in wind speed and ventilation forecasted by Wednesday evening. AQI is likely to improve to the lower end of poor category on February 20. Further air quality improvement to the poor to moderate category is forecasted for February 21,” said SAFAR.
An AQI between 0-50 is marked good, 51-100 is satisfactory, 101-200 moderate, 201-300 poor, 301-400 very poor and 401-500 is considered severe.
The SAFAR suggested that asthmatics should keep medicine ready if symptoms of coughing or shortness of breath occur.
According to the IMD, the minimum temperature at the Safdarjung area was recorded at 10.6 degrees Celsius at 8.30 a.m.