Air pollution is not just a Delhi problem, says Assam Congress MP

Guwahati: Assam Congress MP Pradyut Bordoloi has expressed his concern about the rising level of pollution in the northeast specifically in Guwahati. He said: “We must wake up to the reality that air pollution is not just a Delhi problem.”

Bordoloi has urged the Assam government to urgently pay attention to the problem and improve the monitoring.

He claimed that recent studies have shown that increasing black carbon emissions in the Northeast have led to a decrease in low-intensity rainfall in the pre-monsoon season and a rise in heavy rains. Independent research has also indicated a relationship between high levels of black carbon pollution in Guwahati with accelerated glacier melt.

“In the Brahmaputra river basin region, black carbon signatures, formed from incomplete burning of fossil fuels, biomass and biofuels, have been observed from vehicular emissions, brick kilns, tea gardens and agricultural and household biomass burning. Given the dual effect of black carbon on climate change and air pollution, there is a need for urgent and consolidated measures to mitigate and offset these emissions,” Bordoloi added.

He has suggested the state government for enhancing fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, phasing out diesel vehicles, and accelerating the use of LPG for cooking.

The Congress MP has also raised this issue in parliament.