Hyderabad: On their return to Shamsabad Airport, Hajis faced difficulties in luggage clearance due to lack of coordination between Air India authorities. According to sources Station Manager and Manager of Air India were present at the time of arrival of first flight however they went to main terminal after the return of Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali. Following their return, no coordination was witnessed between the workers of Air India. No one was present there to help clearance and shifting of luggage of pilgrims, as a result a crowd of pilgrims gathered near the luggage clearance area.
Observing the situation Secretary Minority Welfare Syed Omer Jaleel and Special Officer Hajj Committee Prof. S A Shukoor came into action and helped the pilgrims in shifting the luggage. The said officials also guided pilgrims through the customs and immigration stages. In spite of the fact that the flight arrive early, pilgrims could not leave the terminal early, due to delay in identifying and shifting luggage.
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