Hyderabad: All India Majlisey E Inquilab Millat (AIMIM) Invites entries for Posters Competition for its upcoming protest campaign in New Delhi.
President Syed Tariq Quadri explained that entries adjudged best by the committee will be given Rs 300 in each category. AIMIM will be holding a Protest demonstration at Janter Manter on 28 August 2019 displaying slogans. Hence slogans should be Whatsapp as to reach by 24 August 2019.
The Topics are 1. Mob Lynching,2. Non Implementation of Election Manifesto By Chandershaiker Rao Government such as providing 12% Muslim Reservation, Jobs, Empowerment Of Muslim’s in all fields. 3) Atrocities against Minorities, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Scheduled Caste & Waqf Land & Tenant Mafia, Scheduled Tribes & Hindus 4) Harassment Of Both Students & Employees Of Minorities Professional & Majority Colleges,
5) Telangana Government Support To Waqf Land & tenant Mafia. 6) Telangana A Failed State a) Government Owes Rs 1500 Crores To Hospital under Arogya Shiri depriving Poor Medical Treatment) All Professional Colleges Rs.2,960 Crores as fee reimbursement for 15 Lakh students pursuing engineering, medical pharmacy, etc undergraduate & Postgraduate courses including private degree colleges too thereby depriving students their Certificates affecting further studies & job employment.
7) Non-Payment of Last Year Salaries To Contract & Guest Lecturers. 8) Non-appointment of Lecturers & Teachers despite lapse of 2 Months Of academic Year affecting students’ studies. 8) Non Implementation of KG to PG Free Policy Declaration. 10) Telangana Government Support to Harassment & discrimination of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, B.C & Minorities Officers in Telangana. 11) RTI Amendments, Anti Terror Law, NRC