Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde met in Talkatora Stadium on Friday to proceed with the ongoing All India Congress Committee (AICC) meeting.
This meeting has been organized to strategize the party’s move ahead of the 2014 Lok Sabha election, and will also be deciding the role of Rahul Gandhi.
Senior Congress leader Janardhan Dwivedi on Thursday had said that there was a discussion on Rahul Gandhi as many felt he should be named the party’s prime ministerial candidate, however president Sonia Gandhi intervened in between, saying that ‘it is not the tradition of the Congress that just because some party has declared their candidate, doesn’t mean we should too’.
However there was consensus at the AICC meeting that the Congress campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections will be led by Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi.
“This meeting of the All India Congress Committee ( AICC) declares that 2014 General Elections campaign will be led by Rahul Gandhi,” Dwivedi told media after the Congress Party meeting.
Dwivedi also quoted Rahul as saying, “I am loyal party worker. I will carry out whatever responsibility is given to me.” (ANI)