New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday directed the senior officials to take all possible effective measures to ensure that residents of Delhi do not face any inconvenience due to water logging during Monsoon season.
The Chief Minister’s direction came during the programme to launch the Flood Control Order report for the current year, in presence of his cabinet colleagues and all the top officers of the Delhi government and civic agencies.
Kejriwal directed the Chief Secretary Vijay Dev to ask all the concerned departments to provide a list of all the already identified vulnerable water logging points across Delhi within next seven days, along with the status report of what has been done to prevent water logging and problem areas, if any, before the Monsoon sets in.
“All departments do a good job in implementing flood control measures in Delhi, but let us be clear that there are shortcomings in tackling water logging during Monsoon. Vulnerable water logging points are known and it must be ensured that the problem does not occur in the already known points. If for any reason like a structural defect at any point, water logging can’t be prevented, then it should be clearly recorded,” the Chief Minister said.
Kejriwal lauded the efforts of various departments and inter-departmental coordination in tackling floods in the Yamuna flood plain areas and other low lying areas during Monsoon, particularly when water is released in the Yamuna from neighbouring states and the river breaches the danger mark.
Dev directed the officers of the concerned departments to ensure that no ugly pictures of water logging bring a bad name to Delhi during Monsoon.
“Ugly photographs and visuals of water logging are simply not acceptable”, the Chief Secretary said.
Dev said accountability and responsibility of each and every officer under whose jurisdiction the respective areas fall will be fixed in case water logging happens.
He said every concerned department and officer will be monitored for the work during Monsoon, adding that any department under whose jurisdiction any drain, road or any other water logging point comes, should be prepared to ensure that they are all clean.