New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy on Friday voiced his support for Punjab Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu, presently embroiled in a controversy over his television career, and said when the Attorney General and the Solicitor General continue their law practice appearing for clients against the government then why should the cricketer-turned politician be targetted.
Swamy took to micro-blogging site Twitter and questioned the double standards being observed in Sidhu’s case.
“Why should Navjot Sadhu be targeted when the AG and SG continue their law practice appearing for clients against the Government? Double Std?,” Swamy tweeted.
Sidhu, who is the Culture, Tourism, Archives and Museums Minister in Captain Amarinder Singh’s Cabinet, can continue to work in a popular comedy show on TV since there is “no legal bar” and “conflict of interest”, said state’s Advocate General (AG) Atul Nanda in his legal advice tendered to the Punjab Government yesterday.
The Attorney General in his statement submitted to the Punjab Government said there is no violation of the Constitution of India, the Representation of the People’s Act, 1951, or the Code of Conduct in Sidhu’s case.
“There is no conflict of interest between his work on the show and his office and discharge of duties as a minister,” Nanda said.
The Punjab Chief Minister had sought the Attorney General’s legal advice on whether there was any restriction on the continuation of Sidhu’s work as a celebrity guest on TV or if it amounted to conflict of interest.
Sidhu had earlier this week asserted that he would continue to participate in ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’. (ANI)