Chennai: Days after his video of swimming in the middle of the sea at Kollam in Kerala broke the internet, Congress former president Rahul Gandhi has once again impressed netizens after he took up an impromptu push-up challenge with a school student in poll-bound Tamil Nadu.
As a part of his three-day visit to Tamil Nadu, Gandhi was interacting with students of St. Joseph’s School, Mulagumoodu, Kanyakumari. A one-minute clip from that interaction where he took up the ‘push-up challenge’ is now being widely shared.
“Can you do push-ups? Let’s try 15.” a class 10 student of the school, Merolin Shenigha asked in the video. He immediately gets to the task, does quick push-ups and then stops. “She wins,” Rahul Gandhi said, amid huge cheers.
Later, he attempts to push-ups with one hand.
He even partnered a few students and joined a group dance on stage.
Elections to 234 seats in Tamil Nadu will be held in a single phase on April 6, the election commission announced on Friday.