Opinion: After reservation trap, Minority Bandhu scheme introduced to lure Muslims

Hyderabad: After tricking Muslims into 12 percent reservation, the TRS government has once again playing with their sentiments by adopting an evasion policy in introducing the Muslim or Minority Bandhu Scheme. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao had promised 12 percent reservation to Muslims within 4 months after coming to power in 2014 election campaign. However, a special session of the Assembly was convened and a resolution was passed to extend the ST reservation from 6% to 10% and the 4% Muslim reservation to 12%.

Eight years are passed and the promise to Muslims remains unfulfilled, while the GO was issued to increase the ST reservations from 6% to 10% in the Munugode by-election. Strict action orders have been issued and are being implemented by the authorities providing 10% reservations to ST classes in academic admissions and government jobs and also in development.

On September 17, 2022, Chief Minister KCR introduces the Gijiran Bandhu scheme on the lines of the Dalit Bandhu scheme. According to the sources, the Girijan Bandhu scheme will be approved as a pilot project in 12 assembly constituencies allocated for tribals. After that, it will be extended across the state. The plan is to give Rs 10 lakh to deserving ST families.

The population of SC category in the state is 56 lakh, for which a budget of Rs.17,000 crore has been provided. The population of minorities is 50 lakhs for which a budget of Rs.1400 crores has been allotted, while the population of STs is 43 lakhs and a budget of Rs.10,000 crores has been allotted for them. An alternate sub-plan is in place for SCs and STs , if by chance their budget is not spent, it will be shared through green channel next year budget. While even 50 percent of the minority budget is hardly spent. And what remains after spending the budget goes back to the treasury.

Meanwhile, the budgets of SC, ST and BC categories have been drastically increased. It is a pity that once the minority budget was raised to Rs 2000 crores, it was reduced to Rs 1400 crores from the next year.

Minority and BC Bandhu schemes have been all but forgotten. Muslims have not been given 12% representation in Telangana government’s welfare schemes, double bedroom houses, Asra pension, 12% budget provision and other schemes under the government’s control.

In the 20-year history of TRS, no Muslim has been made a member of the Rajya Sabha till date, nor has more than one been represented in a ministry. 18 leaders were elected as MLCs including late Muhammad Fariduddin, but no other Muslim was appointed as a member of the Council in his place.

In this way, injustice continues to Muslims in all sectors. Four years of the TRS government’s second term have been completed. The sword is hanging on the 4% Muslim reservations in the Supreme Court, but not even once did the Chief Minister call for a high-level meeting of law department to defend it in court.