Panaji, Nov 6 : After model-actor Poonam Pandey was arrested on Thursday for an allegedly obscene photoshoot at a restricted site in Goa, model and actor Milind Soman’s photograph of a nude run at a Goa beach on his birthday on November 4 has now come under the spotlight.
The Goa Suraksha Manch, a regional political party, has now filed a complaint before the Vasco police station, which has alleged that the photo of his nude run uploaded on Soman’s social media page is obscene and “spoiling the image and insulting the culture of Goa”.
On November 4, Soman had uploaded a photo on Twitter showing him running nude on a Goa beach on his 55th birthday. “Happy birthday to me Y…55 and running! Y”. @5Earthy,” he captioned the image clicked by his wife Ankita Konwar.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.