Mumbai: 80 per cent madaris in Mumbai have agreed for Rubella vaccine-drive carried out in Mumbai. However, 20 per cent of them are not satisfied. Various doubts are being raised. Parents have a lot of apprehensions. Some feel it is a conspiracy against Muslims. Out of 11 madrasas of Mumbai and Bhiwandi only 2 have given vaccination to their students.
It must be recalled that several madrassas across Uttar Pradesh also denied entry to health officials who had arrived to provide the students with measles-rubella vaccines. Out of the 272 seminaries in Meerut, 70 have refused entry to the officials.
Meerut’s immunisation officer Vishwas Chaudhary told that false information is being spread through WhatsApp that the vaccine can make a child impotent.
According to Dr BS Sodi, Saharanpur’s chief medical officer, some madrassas have even asked students to stay at home on the day of vaccination.
As per the report, in 2015, over 49,000 children lost their lives due to measles.