After cop supports Nupur Sharma, Hyderabad police issues warning

Hyderabad: In an internal communication to every staff member of the city police stated that posting controversial posts of a communal nature on their respective social media platforms would call for disciplinary action.

The notice comes in the wake of Ambadas, a head constable of the City Armed Reserve (CAR) supporting ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for her recent comments on Prophet Muhammad.

Ambadas is currently employed as a gunman to Indian Police Services (IPS) officer Rajiv Ratan.

The notice issued by Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Srinivas Maddipati stated that the staff members of Central Training College (CTCs)/Learning centers of the Hyderabad police are instructed not to resort to such acts/practices.

If found in violation, Hyderabad police officials are to face disciplinary action which could also lead to penal action like criminal cases.

The word ‘staff’ includes every member of the Hyderabad police including, home guards and Special Police Officers (SPOs).

Background of the communal comments

In the last week of May, ex BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma made abusive remarks against Prophet Muhammad and Islam. She had stated that the Prophet had married a 6-year-old and was having sexual intercourse with a 9-year-old girl.

Comments, critical of the basic tenets of Islam were also made by former BJP leader Naveen Kumar Jindal.

Following her comments, FIRs were filed against Sharma in various parts of India. Further countries in the Middle East condemned the ruling government for allowing such statements to be made.

Sharma and Jindal were suspended by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) following the row. Massive protests broke out across India with Muslims calling for both spokespersons to be penalised for said comments.