Washington, April 29: The government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai commands support or sympathy in only a quarter of 121 Afghan areas considered “key” by the US military, a Pentagon report has said.
“The overall assessment indicates that the population sympathizes with or supports the Afghan government in 24 percent (29 of 121) of all Key Terrain and Area of Interest districts,” the quarterly report to Congress said Wednesday.
“The establishment of effective governance is a critical enabler for improving development and security.”
Karzai has gone from a darling of the international powers who placed him at the head of the Afghan state in 2001 to facing accusations from the United States and other nations that he has allowed unchecked corruption.
Popular anger at Karzai’s government, which is widely seen as corrupt and inefficient, has allowed the Taliban to “perceive 2009 as their most successful year,” the Pentagon report said.
“Expanded violence is viewed as an insurgent victory, and insurgents perceive low voter turnout and reports of fraud during the past presidential election (in August 2009) as further signs of their success,” the 150-page report said.
According to the Pentagon, “violence is sharply above the seasonal average for the previous year — an 87 percent increase from February 2009 to March 2010.”
“Although the overall security situation has stabilized somewhat since the end of 2009, violence during the current reporting period is still double that for the same period in 2008-2009,” the report said.
The Pentagon said increased action by coalition forces in the country meant the Taliban has “been under unprecedented pressure.”
“Reporting indicates increased and often strained efforts to resource the fight, which has led to tension and sporadic dips in morale,” the report said.
It added that the decline in stability seen in the last report submitted to Congress “has leveled off in many areas over the last three months of this reporting period.”
“Polls consistently illustrate that Afghans see security as improved from a year ago,” the report added.