Mumbai: Actress Anushka Sharma was wearing a 17 kilo lehenga while filming Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’s latest song “Channa Mereya”. The actress looked gorgeous but she says she didn’t feel as beautiful.
She looked like a beautiful bride but @AnushkaSharma says she didn’t feel like one! #ThrowbackThursday #AeDilKiDiwali #ADHMOct28 @karanjohar
— Dharma Productions (@DharmaMovies) October 6, 2016
The 28-year-old actress said. “I was wearing such heavy clothes that everyone felt sorry for me. 17 kilos was the lehenga and then there was the jewellery. Everything put together, I was carrying 20 kilos at all time. All I could do was walk on my toes and my calves were getting like worked-out. It was very difficult. I had to climb these stairs again and again and it was so hot.”
Anushka who plays Alizeh in the movie and the song ‘Channa Mereya’ was picturized during her wedding. Ranbir as Ayan sings Channa Mereya at Alizeh’s wedding and she realises a little too late that Ayan is actually in love with her. Ranbir also looked classy in the Indian outfit that he wore.
The song is composed by Pritam, sung by Arijit Singh and written by Amitabh Bhattacharya.
The film is directed by Karan Johar, after four years Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has Anushka, Ranbir Kapoor, Fawad Khan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan playing pivotal roles in the movie; while Lisa Haydon and Shah Rukh Khan have cameos in the film.
Ae Dil Hai Mushkil will hit the screens on October 28.