New Delhi : In a veiled attack on the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA regime, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) veteran Lal Krishna Advani on Monday said the ink attack on ORF chairman Sudheendra Kulkarni has ‘besmirched’ the country’s name and added that it was a clear case of ‘growing intolerance’.
“My colleague Sudheendra Kulkarni was attacked today and I strongly condemn whosoever has done it. Those responsible for this have besmirched the name of this country,” Advani told the media here.
The BJP stalwart further said that in a democracy, one must ensure tolerance towards different views and added that of late there had been a surge in such cases of ‘intolerance’.
“You can’t attack someone just because they share a different view. This is a most worrying matter for the nation,” Advani added.
Following the attack on him by the Shiv Sena workers for organising former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri’s book launch, Kulkarni announced that the event will go ahead as per schedule despite all threats.
The government had earlier come under sharp criticisms over the Dadri lynching incident with the opposition mounting pressure on Prime Minister Modi to break his silence on the issue. (ANI)