Advance in Evidence Based Medicine workshop at Sultan-ul-Uloom

Hyderabad: Sultan-ul-Uloom College of Pharmacy under the direction of Navin Mittal, Commissioner, Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Telangana entered MOU with India Matter Foundation that copresents Global Education and Careers Forum.

As part of the MOU, Sultan-ul-Uloom College of Pharmacy conducted International Workshop facilitated by Global Education and Careers Forum, which is connection students of Telangana with faculty from Foreign Universities.

The workshop was on Advance in Evidence-Based Medicine – Learning and Teaching: From bench side to besides. Faculty rom Griffith University, Gol Coast, Australia, Dr. Sohail Khan and Dr. Santosh Rudrawar conducted the workshop for students of final year B. Pharma and Pharma D and Pharma D (PB) of various pharmacy colleges of Telangana.

Over, 350 students of 15 colleges of Telangana participated in the workshop.

The workshop was held by certification presentation to the delegates by Zafar Javeed, Secretary Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society, Srinivas Raju, Manager, Global Education and Careers Forum, Lakshmi Narayanan, Secretary, India Matters Foundation, Ashini Malhotra, International Manager of Griffith University and Dr. Anupama Koneru, Principal Sultan-ul-Uloom college of Pharmacy were present on the occasion.