Hyderabad: The Telangana State Intermediate Education (TSBIE) on Monday directed the managements of private junior colleges in TS no to start admissions for 2020-21 even before the start of the academic year and announcement of admission schedule.
Admissions made well in advance before the announcement of the admission schedule would not be valid and stringent action would be initiated against the errant management of private colleges, TSBIE said.
Secretary, TSBIE, Syed Omer Jaleel also requested parents not to go for admissions before the list of affiliated junior colleges was published by the TSBIR and to confirm whether the college they opt for had affiliation for the academy year 2020-21.
The TSBIE directive to managements of private colleges in Telangana comes in the wake of several instances wherein the management of private colleges were taking the services of Pros and school representatives, approaching the parents for making advance registration of students in Intermediate first year, which is against the norms of the Board.