Lucknow: BJP MP of Gorakhpur, Mahant Adityanath wrote to PM of Nepal Mr. Sushil Koirala and Chairperson of Assembly, Subhash Chandra Nemwaang to impose a ban on cow slaughter and to declare Nepal as a Hindu State. The MP will attend a meeting on 26th July in Katmandu to press for his demand.
He mentioned that Gorakhsapeeth has had a long association with Nepal. With the blessings of Guru Gorakshanath united Nepal came into being. He also said that during monarchy, King of Nepal used to offer at the Gorakhnath temple on the day of Makar Sankranti. After that, this ritual is performed by the priest of the royal court.
Mr. Adityanath wants complete ban on cow slaughter in Nepal and total conversion of the country into a Hindu Rastra. Mahant Adityanath is a strong supporter of Hindutva in UP and he tries to be in the headlines of media for his controversial statements to polarize the Hindus.