Lucknow: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday interacted with the students from Jammu and Kashmir studying in Lucknow and urged them to address their issues to the local authorities here so that the state government can work in that direction.
Yogi urged the students to open up and bring out the problems they face, before the local administration and other authorities. He further stressed on the need for bringing up various problems and issues faced by the students here and asserted that if these problems can be reported to the authorities, it would become easy for the government to help the students by taking up issues before the Jammu and Kashmir administration and other authorities.
“Today you are here as students, maybe tomorrow you’ll be part of the administration in Uttar Pradesh. We live in a democratic society where communication is vital. Prosperity comes to our lives only when we develop. Whether it’s about the students studying in Uttar Pradesh or tourists visiting this state, it’s our duty to take care of their safety and security,” said Yogi.
“The issues and problems reported by the students here would not be revealed publicly, they will remain between us only. That’s why we have been conducting such an interactive session which should be increased in the near future. You might feel hesitant to share your problems with us but you should freely come up to us and address your problems and suggestions if any,” he added.
Yogi also stated that the students can openly put up their suggestions and the state government will consider their suggestions and try to work on them.
“Colleges should take students for site seeing as it helps in gaining practical knowledge. College authorities should consider field trips as a part of students’ curriculum. Two or more than two universities should also conduct interactive student sessions regularly,” said Yogi.