Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh): Taking a dig at the ruling party in Uttar Pradesh for nominating Amar Singh for the Rajya Sabha, Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP) leader Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday said the Samajwadi Party (SP) is a ‘sinking ship’, adding it is good that all those destined to sink would sink together.
“SP doobta hua jahaz hai, accha hai saare doobne waale log ek saath aakar doobein (SP is a sinking ship, it is good that all those who want to sink are coming together,” he told media when asked about Amar Singh.
He also said that the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh has been deteriorating and blamed the state government for it.
Earlier, senior SP leader and UP Minister Azam Khan had expressed disappointment over the party’ decision to nominate Amar Singh, saying the whole incident was ‘unfortunate’.
“As far as I think, this whole incident is unfortunate. Netaji malik hai aur malik ke faisle ko chunauti dena mere adhikar chetra ke bahar hai (Mulayam Singh is the party chief and to challenge his decision is beyond my rights),” Khan told reporters.
The Samajwadi Party yesterday announced the names of seven party candidates for the Rajya Sabha elections scheduled for next month, which included name of Amar Singh.
The party’s central parliamentary board, at a meeting in Lucknow, said that aside from Amar Singh, the other nominees are Beni Prasad Verma, Sanjay Seth, Sukhram Yadav, Vishambhar Prasad Nishad, Arvind Singh and Revti Raman Singh.
Singh was expelled from the party for six years in February 2010. Ever since his expulsion period concluded earlier this year, there have been speculations of his return to the party. (ANI)