Aditya Chopra has announced that after 7 years, he is going back behind the camera and will be directing a film titled Befikre. The exciting announcement was revealed on Yash Chopra’s 83rd birth anniversary. Aditya shared via an e-letter issued to the media on behalf of his home banner Yash Raj Films (YRF).
The unique e-letter also features an “imaginary conversation” between Aditya and his father, whom he still considers as his “Go to Guy”.
Aditya, who last directed Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi in 2008, admits in the letter that his father always wanted him to direct the “biggest films of YRF” and this new project is “not that”.
He shares: “It’s just very different to any of the films I have directed so far. Till now, all the films I have directed or written have been intense, dramatic and emotional. This one is just a light-hearted romance, nothing more. His youngest, riskiest film yet. The film’s tagline reads – ‘Those who dare to love’, indicating that love will be a core element in Aditya’s new film.