Mumbai: On Wednesday, 11th August 2020, actress Sara Ali Khan celebrated her 25th birthday. On the occasion, her five ‘Shayari’ went viral.
Two days after celebrating Raksha Bandhan with her brother Ibrahim, Sara Ali Khan shared photographs and wrote, ” Post Rakhi bonding vibe
To match with me i had to bribe
My younger brother- begged him to join my tribe
But his day out was fun- he says ‘I can’t describe’
To see more please like share and subscribe”.
Sharing her old photo, she wrote, ” Mother, Daughter- Iggy Potter
Riot of colours with Water Slaughter
Mommy so young I almost forgot her
Gulaal we threw, off-guard we caught her
But it was healthy fun with no totter
After all she’s mother dearest- the OG Fautor”.
Tagging her best friend Isha shroof, the actress wrote, “Through thick and thin (Literally) Known you for 8,395 Din..
Thick as thieves, close as Kin
If you two are my friends I’ll always Win.”
On the occasion of Earth Day, she penned a poem. She wrote, ” Happy Earth About Mother Nature what to say. Snowflakes in December, Jungles in May. On the beach, where the hair can sway. In the mountains, on my sleigh. In the desert, the camel leads the way. But for now at home we must stay. And with gratitude and appreciation thank Mother Earth everyday #stayhome #staysafe #staypositive”.
Sharing her workout routine, she shared a video with caption, ” Don’t pray for lighter burdens
Work for a #stronger back
Wake up #determined , sleep #satisfied
Don’t allow yourself to crack
And if you stop or fail or fall
Just get right back on track”.
It may be mentioned that on the screen, the actress was last seen in the movie, “Love Aaj Kal”.