Hyderabad: Pakistani actress Saba Qamar has now become a target for trolling from netizens after a picture of her smoking at the sets of a shoot were leaked online. Earlier, another Pakistani actress Mahira Khan became a subject of much trolling from the Twitterati for being spotted smoking and “dressing inappropriately” in some leaked pictures with Ranbir Kapoor.
Saba Qamar the ‘Hindi Medium’ actress could be seen holding a cigarette in her hand and trolls criticised her for smoking and wearing revealing clothes saying that what she was doing was wrong because smoking was against her religion and position as a woman and that she was shaming the Muslim community.
Came through what’s being called BTS images of my colleague and a friend #SabaQamar’s recently done photoshoot which is spreading on social media like wildfire, I’m deeply saddened by this act, this is not us and we shouldn’t take pride in it in any manner! #support #friendship pic.twitter.com/T17zud6k90
— Adnan Siddiqui (@adnanactor) July 20, 2018
Saba made her Bollywood debut with Irrfan Khan starrer Hindi Medium, where she played actor’s wife. The film won numerous awards and accolades for its niche storyline and after the success of stars in a drama serial based on social media sensation late Qandeel Baloch’s life.
(Pictures are not displayed for privacy reasons – Siasat Web Team)