Pune: Police arrested Actress Pooja Jadhav for threatening to file a fake rape case. She was also charged with robbery and dacoity under Section 395 of IPC.
According to Hindustan Times, Somnath Naale, Assistant Police Inspector (API) said that the actress along with four other women and a man allegedly duped a man who had paid for the physical relationship with her.
According to the police, after the actress had a physical relationship with the man in an exchange of Rs. 2000, threatened to register a fake rape case and demanded Rs. 5 lakh. As the man did not have money to pay, they forced him to marry her, HT reports.
After the marriage, she attacked him, stole Rs. 6000 and approached Bhosari Police Station.
It is also reported that police got suspicious when she refused to register a complaint against the man despite approaching the police station. According to API, she was involved in the similar case two years back but the man who was the victim in the case refused to register a complaint.
Police registered a complaint against Jadhav and later, the court remanded her to police custody for a day. Police identified her partners in crime and recovered a car which was used to commit the crime.
It is to be mentioned that Pooja Jadhav worked in short films by a Mumbai-based production house.