Mumbai: Popular actress of southern films, Kajal Aggarwal recently tied knot with entrepreneur Gautam Kitchlu in Mumbai. Yesterday, she wrote a note for her husband.
Actress shares photos
Sharing the marriage photo, she wrote, “And just like that, from ms to mrs! I married my confidante, companion, best friend and soulmate. So glad I found all of this and my home in you @kitchlug #kajgautkitched”.
In another post, she wrote, “Planning a wedding entails so many moving parts and added to that the pandemic definitely was a challenge. However we strictly followed covid protocols which meant we had to have a very small wedding, got all our guests tested and created a bubble for everyone who was a part of our celebration. We are very grateful for all our loved ones that were able to attend and those who joined virtually from afar were terribly missed and we hope to see you all soon”.
Career of Kajal Agarwal
Kajal Agarwal is not only famous for her roles in Telugu and Tamil movies but also in Hindi films.
She played roles in famous Bollywood movies such as Singham, Special 26 etc.
Although, she made her acting debut with Hindi movie in 2004, she played female lead in Tamil films, Naan Mahaan Alla, Maattrraan, Thuppakki, Jilla, Vivegam and Mersal.
Apart from it, she also acted in Telugu movies including Darling, Brindavanam, Mr. Perfect, Businessman, Naayak, Baadshah, Govindudu Andarivadele, Temper and Khaidi No. 150.