New Delhi: Actor Sonu Sood moved the Supreme Court Friday challenging the Bombay High Court order which dismissed his appeal against a BMC notice over alleged illegal construction at his residential building in Mumbai’s Juhu area.
Advocate Vineet Dhanda, who has filed the plea in the top court, told PTI that Sood has challenged the high court order.
While dismissing the actor’s appeal and application, the high court said, “Law helps only those who are diligent.”
Sood’s lawyer had sought 10 weeks to comply with the notice issued by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in October last year, and requested the high court to direct the civic body not to initiate demolition action.
The high court, however, refused and said the actor had ample opportunity in the past and if required, he could approach the civic body.
Sood had approached the high court earlier this month challenging an order of a city civil court at Dindoshi that had dismissed his suit against the BMC’s notice issued over the alleged illegal construction carried out by him.
The actor in the high court interim application had sought an order restraining the BMC from taking any coercive action against his residential property in Juhu area.
The petitioner (Sood) has not made any changes in the building that warrants permission from the BMC. Only those changes that are allowed under the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning (MRTP) Act have been done,” Sood’s advocate had argued in HC.
As per the BMC, the Bollywood actor had carried out structural changes in the six-storey residential building ”Shakti Sagar”, and converted it into a hotel without taking requisite permissions.
The BMC earlier this month also filed a complaint at the Juhu police station, seeking FIR against Sood for allegedly converting the residential building into a hotel without permission.
The complaint letter was sent to the police after the BMC inspected the building and found that Sood had allegedly not complied with the requisitions and was continuing unauthorised construction even after the notice was served to him in October last year.
The police is yet to register FIR in the case.