Hyderabad: The State High Court on Wednesday transferred a petition filed by Tollywood actor Prabhas challenging the decision of local authorities to seize his guest house located in Rayadurg to a bench of the court.
The local authorities have seized the guest house belonging to Prabhas when there was nobody at the house on Tuesday.
Peeved at the act of the officials, Prabhas approached the High Court and filed a petition urging it to direct the officials not to take any further action in the case. Deposing before the apex court, the counsel for the actor Praveen Kumar told the court that the officials did not serve any notice to the actor before seizing his guest house.
He also said that the officials also did not follow any of the basic rules before going ahead with their action. The officials resorted to the act following a judgment of Supreme Court that the land in which the guest house is located belonged to the state government.
Following this orders, the officials not only demolished some of the properties located on the disputed land but also seized Prabhas’ guest house.