Hyderabad: A team of Cyber Crimes Police on late Tuesday night raided the office of ‘Q News’ in the city after its former woman employee lodged a complaint against its founder Ch Naveen Kumar aka Teen Maar Mallanna.
Acting on a complaint filed by the J Priyanka who had earlier worked with the Q News alleged that Teen Maar Mallanna and his brother Venkatesh have collected their personal data by designing some illegal applications. Based on the stolen data the Q-News (Web channel) founder has been allegedly blackmailing her and a few other employees.
The woman further alleged that Q-News has aired a programme by name “Lodge Vyavaharam” depicting her in bad shape and the programme has tarnished her family reputation and also affected the prestige.
The Cyber crimes have registered a case under IPC sections 506,509 and 417, also under 67 of IT Act. An investigating team of cyber crimes have raided the premises of Q News and carried out searches. During the operation, the hard disks and a few other electronic gadgets were seized.
Later Teen Maar Mallanna was served with a notice and further investigation is underway.
“The present police action is a totally vindictive move since I have been exposing the KCR Government, these tactics won’t scare me to create awareness among the public” said Mallanna.
Naveen Kumar aka Teen Maar Mallanna is an activist and is popular on social media for criticizing KCR and Government. In recent times he has also contested the graduate MLC elections.