New Delhi: The Congres has asked the Supreme Court on Friday to revive the Panama paper case, which involved allegations of offshore assets owned by the son of Chhatisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh.
After the disqualification of Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif by the Supreme Court, the Congress said the Chhatisgarh Chief Minister should resign using the same yardstick, reports Deccan Herald.
“What ever is happening in Islamabad should also happen 1000s of kilometers away in Chhatisgarh,” Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi said.
The Congress had urged for a probe by the court into the alleged offshore financial investments of Abhishek Singh and Chattisgarh CM’s son.
The Congress had accused the NDA government of “ignoring” the investigations of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) about the alleged “serious fraud, holding of off-shore assets and money laundering in off-shore accounts through fictitious companies” by Abhishek Singh.
“In the neighbouring country, which we do not consider as fully democratic, if its prime minister resigns, then using the same yardstick the Chhatisgarh chief minister should also resign as the same report (Panama Papers) also carried the name of his son,” Singhvi said.
He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched a campaign against RJD chief Lalu Prasad and other leaders. “But have you heard any action in Chhatisgarh,” Singhvi asked.
“Investigation cannot be selective or opportunistic. The action was taken against Lalu Prasad, you made him into an example,” Singhvi said.