Hyderabad: Fulfilling one of his election promises, Mr. KCR started taking action to shift Chanchalguda Jail and Race Course from the Old City to a place outside the GHMC limits. This step has been taken by the CM on the representation made by Dy. CM of Telangana State, Mr. Mohammed Mahmood Ali. CM instructed, Chief Secretary, Dr. Rajiv Sharma to prepare an action plan for shifting Chanchalguda Jail and Race Course so that these places could be changed to educational and training centers for Minorities. He told the Chief Secretary to prepare the action plan as early as possible and present it for cabinet’s approval.
It may be noted that in its election manifesto, TRS had promised that Chanchalguda Jail and Race Course would be shifted from the Old City and a suitable educational and training center would be established. Local residents had also made a representation for shifting the jail and Race Course.
Dy. CM of TS, Mr. Mohammed Mahmood Ali welcomed these decision of KCR and said that the CM is very serious about the educational and economic development of Minorities and very soon, the process of shifting of these places would start. He had instructed the officials to identify a suitable place for Jail and Race Course. He further said that whatever promises were made for the development of the city would be implemented.
It may be noted that this decision of CM is of great importance in the wake of GHMC Elections to be held soon. It is hoped that with this decision TRS would get positive response from the public.
–Siasat News