Uttar Pradesh police have accused Sameena Begum, who has been fighting against nikah halala and polygamy, of organising an acid attack on herself and two other women and filing fake cases against men. Two of her alleged male associates have been arrested.
According to the report published in Times Of India, the Mother of three who is a resident of Delhi is one of the main petitioners in the supreme court in the nikah halala and polygamy case along with a Delhi-based advocate.
“She filed an acid attack case against her husband on October 14 this year. However, since the case looked suspicious, a police team reached the spot to investigate the matter. After checking the CCTV footage, it was found that Begum along with her accomplices, Narendra Paliwal and DC Verma, had created the entire scene which Police arrest two accomplices of Sameena Begum, said superintendent of police, Praveen Ranjan Singh.
He added that “We have also found out that she has been involved in filing fake acid attack cases in the past too, we are in the process of unearthing evidence against Sameena Begum. Once that is in place, a case will be filed against her too.”
Sameena Begum, however, alleged a police is trying to defame her and derail her movement. She said that “I have always stood by the victims of triple talaq, nikah halala and others. Now that I need support, nobody is on my side. Police are trying to frame me.”
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