Chennai: The Chennai police on Saturday booked S. Subbiah, a doctor and National President of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), on charge of harassing an old lady by urinating outside her apartment and in other ways.
The lady had also alleged that Shanmugam, chief of Surgical Oncology at Kilpauk Medical College Hospital and Government Hospital in Royapettah, had also harassed her over phone, threw garbage and used face masks outside her apartment.
The police registered the case against Subbiah after DMK MP Kanimozhi came out in support of the old lady.
Terming the alleged harassment as “shocking”, the DMK leader tweeted: “The fact that police failed to act on the complaint, made on July 11, till date is more shocking.”
“This has become a routine on part of the police to turn a blind eye on complaints against right-wing members. @CMOTamilNadu should immediately intervene and ensure all are treated equally before law,” Kanimozhi said.
According to Balaji Vijayaraghavan, a nephew of the old lady, the family had two parking slots in the apartment they lived in and Subbiah had requested his aunt whether he could park his vehicle in one slot.
Vijayaraghavan said his aunt agreed but said that Subbiah will have to pay a monthly rent of Rs 1,500, following which the trouble started for her.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.