Hyderabad: City Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar, IPS, invoked P.D. Act against Mohd.Talha Ahmed alias Ahmed, a notorious property offender and burglar under Golkonda police limits on October 5, 2017.
However, the offender was absconding after the issue of PD Orders and went into hiding to avoid execution of the detention order issued on May 5. He was taken into custody on May 9 and was lodged in Central Prison, Chanchalguda on May 10. Police said the detenu was involved in eight property offences, including robberies under the limits of Hyderabad and Cyberabad Police Commissionerates. He struck fear among the general public, especially womenfolk, by committing offences in public places disturbing peace, tranquillity and social harmony in the society.
The Golkonda police arrested him on February 8, last year and recovered stolen properties comprising two motorbikes and 68.85 gram of gold ornaments all worth Rs.3 lakh from him and remanded to judicial custody on February 9, 2017. Subsequently, he was released from jail on bail in all the seven cases on May 31, 2017. But disappeared till the execution of PD Act order on May 10 this year. (NSS)