Hyderabad: Amidst the ongoing lockdown, the Telangana Police on Wednesday requested people aged above 60 to not venture out into public places as they are at higher risk from COVID-19.
Telangana Director General of Police (DGP) M Mahendar Reddy said the elderly are advised to stay at home and will not be allowed to come out even for essentials.
If the elderly are living alone then they can ‘Dial-100’, Telangana Polices emergency response number, he said.
“During LockDown people of age group above 60yrs are requested, not to come into public spaces as they are at higher risk from Covid19.
They shall be advised to StayHome & will not be allowed to come out even for essentials.
Can Dial100 to get the things done, If living alone,” the DGP tweeted.
On May 5, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao had announced extension of the lockdown in the state till May 29 but with relaxations in rural and municipal areas.
A total of 1326 coronavirus cases have been reported in the state as on Tuesday while 32 people have died due to the virus while the number of people cured/discharged stood at 822.