Hyderabad: The Abids police have filed a charge-sheet against the BJP Jambagh corporator Rakesh Jaiswal in connection with the alleged false affidavit filed with the election authorities during GHMC-Polls.
The counsel for the contested AIMIM candidate has filed a petition with court seeking direction to the Abids police station to expedite the investigation which is impending since last 70 days in FIR No. 27 of 2021 pertaining to filing of false affidavit by Rakesh Jaiswal of BJP as Jambagh elected corporator.
Practicing lawyer Khaja Aijazuddin in his petition said that investigation didn’t conclude as 70 days are over, compelling his client J Ravindra to file petition before magistrate as per Supreme Court ruling to seek status report, monitor and direct the SHO, Abids PS to file chargesheet against Rakesh Jaiswal.
The court directed the SHO Abids, to file “status report” by April 23 before the court. “We have filed a chargesheet against the BJP corporator, trial is awaited” said C Anjaiah SHO Abids police station.
Complying with the court’s direction the Abids police have filed a chargesheet against the BJP Jambagh coporator and its pending for trial. However the Rakesh Jaiswal has filed a petition before the Telangana High Court to quash the proceedings against him.
Alleging cheating and suppression of facts the AIMIM candidate Jambagh division J Ravindra has filed a complaint with Abids police against Rakesh Jaiswal from BJP Party elected Corporator from GHMC ward-77.
The Abids police have booked a case under IPC section 199 (False statement made in declaration which is by law receivable as evidence) against the BJP Jambagh corporator Rakesh Jaiswal for allegedly submitting a false affidavit with the returning officer during the GHMC polls.