Urdu Dani, Zaban Dani and Insha exams of Abid Ali Khan Trust will be conducted in collaboration with Idara-e-Adabiyat-e-Urdu, in January 2016 in Hyderabad Secunderabad, districts and other neighbouring states simultaneously from 10 am to 1 pm. All exams will be written. Question paper and answer sheets and hall tickets will be issued by the office of Abid Ali Khan Educational Trust. Centre incharges are appealed to collect the same.
The Abid Ali Khan Educational Trust which was established in June 1994 conducts the exams twice a year. To promote Urdu, simple books have been compiled to teach basic education which also have Urdu, English, Telugu and Hindi words. The books are not available in any shop except at trust centres. They can be obtained free of cost from Trust office.
For any queries or persons interested to set up exam centres voluntarily can call on phone no’s 040-24744180, 9553556260 between 11 am to 5 pm.
Siasat news