New Delhi: Abhishek Shukla who was charged and arrested in IPL fixing scandal in 2013 along with former Indian Cricketer S Sreesanth was later set free but seized his 5.5 lakhs of money has now appealed in Supreme Court to allow him to exchange his old currency Notes.
Since the IPL fixing scandal in 2013, the money seized from Abhishek Shukla on September 23 of 2013 was recently returned to him in the month of February this year.
He appealed in the Supreme Court to grant him exception and permission to exchange the old currency notes with new currency as the last date for exchange of old currency expired in December 2016 after the Demonetisation by the PM and he received his money back only in February.
Taking note of his grievance, Chief Justice JS Khehar asked his counsel, Manjeet Singh Ahluwalia, to produce the seizure memo that Delhi Police prepared at the time. The document must have kept a record of the specific currency, it said.
Shukla said it was not his fault as the Delhi Police held his money until now. His lawyer appealed the Supreme Court to direct the Centre and the RBI to allow his money to be exchange.
Shukla claims that the RBI rejected his application for permission to grant exchange on grounds of the ordinance passed in December 30 of last year.
He said he’s filed the RBI’s rejection letter on March 7 to the court, as reported in HT.